About Us
From The President
Greetings to all members and visitors. We hope you will enjoy learning about the history and unique character of Southern Seniors.
The Members Area of the website makes it easy to keep up with your fellow members and learn about and enter events. By logging in you can access up-to-date member contact information and photos, check reciprocal clubs, etc.
As always, your officers want to know what you think about our senior golf organization, clubs and resorts we should visit, and anything else for that matter. So please let us
hear from you.
I am honored to be your 95th President. Sheila and I hope to see you at an event very soon.
Bill Akin
President 2025
Front Row (left to right):
First Vice-President - Elmo Greer
Back Row (left to right):
Second Vice-President Rusty Boyd
Chairman - Stokes Ritchie

After a round at Sea Pines Plantation, Hilton Head Island SC, 1969
Since I joined in 2010, Sue and I have attended events at The Broadmoor and Williamsburg. I'm not quite sure which will be our next event, but the sooner, the better. Southern Seniors are really great people
- Geoff Huguely, Bethesda MD
"Over the years I was in about 15 groups that put on senior golf tournaments, and formed some conclusions about the differences in these associations. Southern Seniors stood out in one important respect: they treated the golfing wives equally, and I still think that is one of our greatest claims to fame, and should be preserved at all costs.
- Tom Flanagan, Lake Charles LA
What is Southern Seniors Golf Association? As a group, we are senior golfers who love the game of golf and are winners in the game of life. In my opinion this is the reason we have such friendly, spirited competition in our senior golf tournaments.
- Henry Farmer, Atlanta GA